Pet Dental Care
Dental care is an important aspect of your dog and cat’s health care routine.
Regularly brushing your pet’s teeth and bringing them to us for an annual dental exam and professional cleaning when needed can keep them healthier longer. Without dental care, bacteria and plaque build up on your pet’s teeth, hardening into tartar, causing gingivitis, receding gums and tooth loss. Worse, untreated dental disease leads to pain, infection and potential infection to other organ systems.
Both dogs and cats both need routine preventive dental care. We offer advice on home dental care and give you options on how to achieve the best results. Ask us how we can assist you in providing dental care for your pet.

Professional Dental Care at North Shore Family Pet Hospital
North Shore Family Pet Hospital is dedicated to providing the following comprehensive, preventive dental services for both dogs and cats:
- Oral/dental exams
- Comprehensive dental cleanings and polishing
- Minor oral surgery including, but not limited to, tooth extractions, fistula repairs and removal of oral tumors
- Comprehensive pain management before, during and after any oral procedure that may produce discomfort
- Monitored general anesthesia through the dental procedure by our knowledgeable, well-trained technicians with the aid of digital monitoring equipment
- Home dental care instructions and product recommendations
- A referral network to veterinary dentists and specialists when needed
At-Home Dental Care:
Brushing your pet’s teeth every day can help reduce or eliminate plaque buildup. Plaque, which is an accumulation of bacteria, will progress to periodontitis, which is characterized by pockets of chronic infection, oral pain, and severe infections. Left untreated, it will eventually loosen and destroy the tooth and possibly lead to bone loss. The infection under the gum line can also spread to the liver, kidneys and heart.
Read about At-Home Dental Care
Please call us to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians if your dog or cat is exhibiting any of these signs of dental diseases:
- Loss of appetite or loss of weight
- Bad breath
- Loose teeth or teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar
- Your pet shies away from you when you touch the mouth area
- Pawing at face during or after eating
- Drooling or dropping food from the mouth
- Bleeding from the mouth