North Shore Family Pet Hospital Articles & Links
We Treat Your Pet Like Family
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. If your pet may have ingested something toxic like human or veterinary medicine, rat poison, chocolate, etc, you need to seek veterinary help. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center can tell you how to proceed. They are staffed by toxicologists 24 hours per day, year-round. You need to know your pet’s approximate weight, when the toxin was ingested and in what amount. Please keep the packaging nearby so that the toxic dose for your pet can be calculated. ASPCA may charge your credit card $65 for the consultation which will guide any veterinary care and follow-up that is necessary..

An overview of Pet insurance providers.
Helpful tips about traveling with your pet.
Very helpful general and specific articles published by the Veterinary Information Network.
The Indoor Pet Initiative is a site that promotes the mental well-being of cats and dogs that are primarily kept indoors.
End of Life Guidance published by the ASPCA
Chicago Veterinary Medical Association pet loss group Wings
Cornell University Pet Loss Support has a good list of books for children and adults to help before and after the loss of your pet.
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement has particularly good information about children and pet loss.